petek, 15. april 2011

Making review

Making review, originally uploaded by Sharky_MB.

My girl made photos of a dress on a girl for a friend, and I have made photos from them...

Making a new shopping mall

Making a new shopping mall, originally uploaded by Sharky_MB.

This is the shot, like my Maks saw it over the high fence. Here is new shopping mall growing from the ground. You can see in the middle, how the new crane is being build.

UFO attack

UFO attack, originally uploaded by Sharky_MB.

Clouds were showing in it's best shapes and forms, over the new building site.


Magnolia, originally uploaded by Sharky_MB.

Wonderful flowers are they, big and heavy blossom, colorful and not long living.

Checking his work

Checking his work, originally uploaded by Sharky_MB.

Maks is checking his drawings, after making some additional changes.
On his cheeks he has some reaction to the sun this day. We didn't protect his gentle skin enough!

Irish Ferry

Irish Ferry, originally uploaded by Sharky_MB.

torek, 5. april 2011